


Welcome to a new kind of film club

Your guided journey
through the world of film

A new curator every month, in-depth essays, original videos and exclusive live events



Edge-to-Edge Video


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More Than A Streaming Service

Image Cards

A connected experience

Access Galerie on our Apple TV and Roku apps to enjoy our selection of films and original content on your TV, while participating in watch parties and live chats on your phone or tablet.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • A Galerie subscription is currently available for $10 a month. Once subscribed you are free to cancel any time.

  • You can access Galerie's original videos, articles, and live community events anywhere in the world. Licensed films are only available in the United States. 

  • Galerie is currently available at galerie.com and on our Apple TV and Roku apps. We will soon be launching Galerie apps for iOS, Android, Amazon Fire, and Android TV. 

  • Galerie members are free to use Galerie on up to five devices. 

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